Part III: The Quest for Waffles
So this is the really peppy part of the story where I begin part III with something upbeat and exciting, or is it? RoboRabbit wallowed in misery and self-pity for several days before finally deciding that he no longer wanted to go on living, so he committed suicide and the universe was left as it was: weird. Weird like Al Yankovich. Weird like O's. Weird like people, who become weird in order to be normal. Weird like normal. Lamron ekil driew. Lamron eb ot redro ni driew. Driew: saw ti sa tfel saw esrevinu eht dnaa edicius dettimoc eh* taht gnidiced yllanif erofeb syad lareves TibbarObor? Ti si ro,.
Like bacon.
This year was the first year that everyone had time to prepare for Christmas, so naturally it was to be better than all previous Christmi. RoboRabbit returned to Iohsw to find that it was now run by Teddy and his army of squirrels. The only logical course of action at a time like this, of course, was to walk directly to ?Teddy's headquarters, wipe one's feet on the unwelcome mat, drop one's pants [drawer]** here, knock thrice, saying Teddy's name after each, and await a response. None came. RoboRabbit waited twenty year-minutes (minutes that feel like years), or yutes, and still there was no sound from beyond the door. So RoboRabbit politely rang the doorbell a few times, waited another twenty yutes, and finally decided to be absolutely obnoxious. So he knocked on the door in a super-rapid fashion with one hand and rang the doorbell in an extremely fast fashion with the other, although these fashion were both very unfashionable, or "out". But RoboRabbit knew that nothing was truly unfashionable, for with the correct materials one can fashion anything, and so he continued annoying, and within a minute Teddy's army opened the door and said, in an irritated fashion, which was perfectly fashionable, "Go away!"
Then Armaninx arrived wearing absolutely nothing, which, considering that he was not human, was imperfectly fashionable, and he said, "What's going on over here?"
"The big kids are being mean to me," whined RoboRabbit.
"Is this true?" asked Armaninx, turning to Teddy's army and Teddy.
"Well," replied Teddy, "seeing as 'kid' is a term used in reference to baby goats, which we are not, I'd say it is technically not true."
"Oh, okay, well carry on then!" said Armaninx as he turned to attend to other important matters. And the army charged towards RoboRabbit, who charged towards the army and was immediately joined by Megano and Killer Kangaroo on the right and left, respectively.
"Pivr?" asked RoboRabbit looking to the right, then, "Killer Kangaroo?" as he looked in the other direction. "I thought you two were on Quexxiji."
"We were," replied Killer Kangaroo.
"We're just visiting," said Megano.
"Visiting me?" asked RoboRabbit as he began to tear up. "I can't believe this. No one's ever visited me before." Then he started sobbing so uncontrollably that Teddy came over and handed him a tissue.
"Thanks," said RoboRabbit thankfully.
"Your welcome," said Teddy welcomingly. "It's the least I can do on Christmas."
"Today's Christmas?" exclamated RoboRabbit.
"Indeed!" said Oapsuf as he flew down on his sleigh with his red and white outfit and reindeer. "Merry Christmas!"
*No, I'm not Canadian
**Children's story