When Armaninx finally met back with Big Tall Moose and Tiny Chipmunk at the main castle, they figured they could rest for a while after all that hard work. Unfortunately for them, it was not as simple as that. Just when they thought their troubles were over, a ball of fire fell from the sky and landed directly to one side of the castle. Luckily, they had heatproof suits prepared for such an occasion. They put on these suits of the most heat resistant material known, and it was a good thing they did so, because this particular “fireball” was actually the hottest thing in the entire universe.
When they went to examine the site, they discovered that it was no fireball. It was a man. In fact, it was the hottest man ever: Costa Lxodi (the X is silent).
“Greetings,” said Costa Lxodi. “My name it Costa Lxodi. Who would you be?”
“I am Armaninx,” said Armaninx, “the temporary ruler of this planet. These are my companions, Big Tall Moose and Tiny Chipmunk.”
“Well met indeed,” said Costa Lxodi. “How exactly are our a temporary ruler?”
“RoboRabbit, the real leader, is off somewhere in space battling our most recent enemy.”
“And when will this roborabbit be back?” asked Costa Lxodi.
“I have no idea. By the way, you are supposed to capitalize the R's in RoboRabbit.”
“I'll say it how I want,” replied Costa Lxodi, “and I see no big difference between RoboRabbit and roborabbit, except that the first one is harder to write in cursive. And since this story is being written in cursive, I'll save the writer the trouble by not capitalizing roborabbit at all.”
Then Costa Lxodi proceeded to explain why he was there. “You see,” he said, “I have a trinket called the Jexblupw Puxnih, a special goldfish which tells me what I am supposed to do next. It's helped me save a great deal of people, and now I think roborabbit needs saving. You see, the Jexblupw Puxnih recently told me to help the leader of this planet get back to Iohsw. I think roborabbit may have gotten lost somewhere, so I will soon depart and try to find him.”
“Well,” said Armaninx, “if this is true, then we are very glad that you have come. I'm sure that, if anyone, someone as hot as you is very qualified for such a mission. If you want, one of my companions could travel with you.”
“No,” replied Costa Lxodi. “This is my quest, and mine alone.” Big Tall Moose and Tiny Chipmunk were glad to hear this, because they surely wouldn't be able to stand the heat emanating from Costa Lxodi for that long. Then Costa Lxodi flew back into the sky to rescue RoboRabbit from whatever peril he was in. And by the way he's right, roborabbit is easier to write.