Egg nog is a very interesting drink. Some people like it, others hate it, and still others are indifferent. For some reason egg nog is typically thought of as a seasonal drink, meant only for the coldest months of the year. Many drinks, such as orange juice, are seasonal for obvious reasons, such as that season being the time the plant used to make it grows best. However, egg nog's name suggests that it is not generated from a specific plant, but rather from chickens or other birds. Thus, the reason for its seasonality is most likely something amgibuously obscure or something blatantly obvious.
As RoboRabbit and Claudio McAwesome looked up at the skies, Armaninx arrives with Hilarious Hyena. They all watched as a liquid sphere formed around their current planet, obviously preventing flight. Then they realized that there were volcanoes of a sort which were spurting out this shield, so they all decided to investigate one such volcano, which was conveniently ten yards from the small forest occupied by Killer Kangaroo and the wafflebear. They began to climb said volcano which they continued to climb as they climbed it, climbing up its rocky, barely climbable side, until they finished climbing and climbed to the top of the recently climbed volcano.
As the group arrived at the top, the volcanoes all stopped erupting, as the shield was complete. They looked down and found that Ozzy had already beat them to it. She stood at the bottom of an unfortunate staircase which ran down the tunnel. Next to her was a large switch which was flipped down, obviously by her doing.
"Someone wants us to stay on this planet," she hollered up, "and we'd best find out who it is."
Ozzy came back up the stairs and told them that the switch was labeled "Smith." They returned to their large group to develop a plan,, which took much deliberation.
"Costa Lxodi," said RoboRabbit, "what is the largest spoon we have that can be used on this egg nog?"
"There is no spoon," replied Costa Lxodi. "They all melted when I carried them over."
"RoboRabbit!" exclaimed Claudio McAwesome. "There are agents following us. They're coming to capture you!"
After Diomedes joined them, they departed from the volcano. They soon found themselves cornered and so climbed into the wall to hide from the agent. As they heard noises from outside the wall, Ozzy tried to suppress a cough. Unforunately, too much dust got in her lungs and she was unable to stop herself from couging, thus revealing her location.
"Go without me!" said Diomedes. "I will disract them!"
He then proceeded to break through the wall with his head, falling on Agent Smith. Ozzy wanted to stay and help, but RoboRabbit dragged her along and they escaped through the sewers. When they returned to their settlement, they gathered what they had and prepared for assault.