Saturday, September 22, 2012


    After the events on Iohsw, the whole group decided to go to Armaninx's home planet, Standos, and live there for a time.  Oapsuf needed something that he hoped to find there, and the planet had no evil on it.  So they gathered the parts needed to make a simple spacecraft and traveled to Standos to start a civilization thee.  Costa Lxodi led most of the group in creating houses while Armaninx, Claudio McAwesome, Hilarious Hyena, and RoboRabbit set out to explore the area.  RoboRabbit created for himself a Shifqwqeos, an article of cothing that covered him entirely and billowed around him, out of nearby vegetation.  He modified the Shifqwqeos to generate background music, since Standos had no musicians in the sky.  Then, as the four explored the planet, there emanated from RoboRabbit a mysterious tune with an exciting aura of adventure to it.
    RoboRabbit soo came to a somewhat forested area and entered into it.  It was only a few steps in that he found a clearing which was solely occupied by a small house.  It was camoflauged to look like the trees and ground around it and had no windows and one door which looked like a rock.  Curious, RoboRabbit listened through the door and heard loud thumping noises, like a giant ball bouncing up and down.  Then he heard a delicious growl and decided to knock on the door.  It was opened almost immediately by a thin wafflebear, who smelled delightful.
    "I'm a wafflebear," said the wafflebear.
    "I'm a cyborg rabbit," said RoboRabbit.
    "Awesomesauce," replied the short wafflebear.
    "My name is RoboRabbit," said RoboRabbit.  "What's yours?"
    "Me?" said the wafflebear rhetorically, "My name is-"
    "Hey dude, what goes on?" interrupted a kangaroo thrice the size of the wafflebear, who must have been the one making the thumping sounds.
    "I was just meeting RoboRabbit here," answered the wafflebear.
    "Ohai RoboRabbit," said the kangaroo, "I'm Killer Kangaroo, one of the two current inhabitants of planet Standos."
    Then the wafflebear said, "And my name is-"
    "Hey, RoboRabbit!" exclaimed Claudio McAwesome as she walked out of the forest.  "Watcha' doin'?"
    "Straw, Claudio McAwesome," replied RoboRabbit, "I was just meeting these nice people, apparently the sole inhabitants of this planet."
    "Greeting," said Claudio McAwesome.  "My name is claudio McAwesome, as aforementioned by RoboRabbit.  What are you called?"
    "Well," started the wafflebear before being interrupted by Killer Kangaroo.
    "I'm known as Killer Kangaroo, and this is-"
    But as you may have guessed, he was stopped by a conveniently well-timed earthquake.  And thus, the chapter ended.