Saturday, September 22, 2012


    Inamericasia is a very mountainous land.  Big Tall Moose hiked for a long time before reaching the Green Gate, which marked the entrance to the land of Leswindo.  Big Tall Moose knew he couldn't enter here, so he went around to the tunnel, in which lived Hetoss the giant ant.  Big Tall Moose ventured into the tunnel, pulling out his dagger, Bite.  Hetoss was soon close behind him, so he started running.  Unfortunately, he ran straight into a web.  He quickly maneuvered Bite to cut the web, barely making it out in time.  As he ran from Hetoss, he saw a glowing exit sign and headed for it.
    Big Tall Moose ran outside into an open area.  Too bad Hetoss was outside waiting for him.  Hetoss paralyzed Big Tall Moose and was about to kill him when Tiny Chipmunk suddenly arrived.  She pulled Bite from its sheath and fought bravely against Hetoss.  She jumped and rolled and barely escaped Hetoss' attacks several times.  She eventually wounded Hetoss badly and Hetoss fled back into the cave.  Suddenly, a weird-looking cartoon character arrived.
    “I will defeat you in a child's card game,” said the cartoon, “It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!”
    Sod they began to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel.  The cartoon was very good at this child's card game.  He soon defeated Tiny Chipmunk.
    “Haha,” he said.  “I have defeated you!  Now I will spam your Youtube account.  Mwahahahaha!”  As he continued laughing, Tiny Chipmunk blasted his face off.  Then she left Big Tall Moose and continued onward to press the button on Death Hill.