Saturday, September 22, 2012


    "RoboRabbit," said Armaninx finally, "the squirrel army is now led by. . . . . . Alex."
    "Wait," said RoboRabbit finally.  "Who's Alex?"
    "You know not?" asked Armaninx.  "Alex is the most unpredictable person we could possibly face.  Surrounding her is a field of anti-logic.  It defies logic at every turn, making her-"
    "Alex is a woman?" interrupted Costa Lxodi.
    "Yes," replied Armaninx, "and she has a field of anti-logic that-"
    "A field of anti-logic," interrupted RoboRabbit.  "That would explain why she has such a normal name, when all of ours are generraly random."
    "Anyway," said Armaninx, "we must devise a plan to defeat Alex and her squirrel army."
    "Alright," said RoboRabbit.  "Let's get to it."  So they devised a plan and cut out a door in their new living room floor.  That accomplished nothing for their plan, but it was fun anyway.

    "Okay," said Claudio McAwesome, "run the plan by me one more time so I know exactly how it goes."
    "Okay," said RoboRabbit.  "We prepare for battle.  Then, we attack Alex and her army."
    "Brilliant!" interjected Claudio McAwesome.

    RoboRabbit activated his laser sword and gased upon the squirrel army that stood before him.  Beside him were Claudio McAwesome and Armaninx, and he wouldn't have chosen anyone else to fight by his side.  Then RoboRabbit's small group of awesome warriors rushed forward, charging right into the throng of squirrels.  RoboRabbit, Claudio McAwesome, and Armaninx were in a group, while the rest of the people were spread out to distribute themselves evenly among the squirrels.  There were two reasons they were in a gorup of three.  First, of course, they would fight better together than apart.  Also, it would take all three of them to defeat Alex, what with her unpredictable anit-logic.
    The two sides clashed and RoboRabbit's side started pwning faces.  Then RoboRabbit himself, along with Armaninx and Claudio McAwesome, forged his way straight toward Alex.  Everyone shot at them as they ran through the crowd, and soon thay were near Alex.  When the squirrels near Alex shot their guns a RoboRabbit, three of them shot ducks, two shot aglets, one flew up itno the sky, twenty-four just got that clicking noise a guna makes when out of ammunition (though they distinctly remembered loading them), and the rest of the guns disappeared in some way or another.  Some of these turned into lamposts, some absurdly became squirrels, and others just rudely diappeared into thick air.  RoboRabbit sliced some squirrels with his laser sword, but it went right through them and left no mark.  Armaninx threw his boomerang, but it just went straight up and stayed there.  Then Claudio McAwesome whipped her rubber band at one, and  accidentally killed it.
    RoboRabbit, Armaninx, and Claudio McAwesome all sighed in frustration, and their sighs put the squirrels to sleep.  It was obvious that they wouldn't be able to fight normally in an anti-logic field.  It was so obvious, in fact, that they realized it despite the anti-logic field hindering their thought process.  So they proceeded to attack Alex in every way they could think of, whether it was poking her with a blade of grass or jumping on top of her violently.  Alex, however, had spent her whole life in this field, and she used that to her advantage.  With her experience, she blocked every one of their attacks and countered them with her own raondomness.  When RoboRabbit was finally able to see around him, since the anti-logic had been blocking his view in one way or another the whole time, he saw that his teammates were completely slaughtereing the squirrels.
    As RoboRabbit saw that they were winning awesomely, a giant pill landed in his face. Classic.  Then he sprang up from the ground, which he hadn't been able to do before because he was in the air somewhere.  I'm sorry to say that RoboRabbit still hadn't learned his lesson.  For the third time in this story, he jumped up and ran directly into something.  Remember to never jump somewhere if you aren't absolutely sure what you're jumping into.  You might go into your dark bedroom and jump into your bed, only to find that someone replaced your bed with a pit of hungry wolves.  And so it was with RoboRabbit and he ran into a flying sheep.