Part II: The Second Part
If you've ever had a pet cockroach, then you know exactly what it's like. There are times when your cockroach dies, and you perhaps even have a funeral for it. Then it turns out that the cockroach is still alive, so you rejoice and continue to care for it. A pet cockroach will seem to die quite often, but unless it went through a hot fire and all that's left of it are ashes, it will most likely survive. These turnings of events always leave one with mixed feelings of regret that you held a pointless cockroach funeral and joy that your cockroach lives. These are the feelings which RoboRabbit felt when Oapsuf opened the door to his office and stepped in."Sorry if I'm interrupting anything," said Oapsuf, "but my news is very urgent. There is an army of squirrels headed this way."
"Again?" replied RoboRabbit. "I thought we stranded Teddy on plant Dohp!"
"It isn't led by Teddy," responded Oapsuf.
Just then Armaninx burst in through the door saying, "I heard there's an army - Oapsuf?" I thought you died." "Yes, I died," confirmed Oapsuf, "but I-" He was interrupted by Darkprint jumping through the window.
"There's an army coming - what's Oapsuf doing here?" she said.
"That matters not," said Oapsuf. "What matters is that-"
"So," said Claudio McAwesome, breaking through the ceiling in a dramatic entrance, "the squirrels have returned. Oapsuf! You're alive!" She went over and hugged Oapsuf, feeling like the owner of a cockroach. As this happened, Platypus sprang up through the floor.
"I heard that the squirrels came back and I got over here as fast as I could," he said as everyone wondered how in the world he had come up through the floor. Just when it seemed like all the characters on RoboRabbit's side from the end of Part I were there, Costa Lxodi came out of RoboRabbit's pants [drawer]*. "So," he said, "we have all gathered together in a funny way against our enemies. Again. If I recall, most of us originally met in funny ways. Then again, I can't recall that since I was the second to last character to come into Part I. Anyway, we all gather against the squirrels, just like the first time. Hopefully it will end just like the first time as well, with us victorious. By the way, Platypus, Oapsuf is alive. You might as well freak out and make a big deal out of it."
*Remember, this is a children's story