Saturday, September 22, 2012

Against All Odds

    As RoboRabbit stared into the sky he saw a shooting star fly across it.  He wished for someone who could take him off of this quacking planet.  Then the shooting star landed nearby.  It was Costa Lxodi, the legendary hero who follows the Jexblupw Puxnih wherever it takes him.  Just as he stood up, a missile from somewhere above hit him.
    “Cowrap,” said Costa Lxodi.  “That was my only jet-pack.”  He walked over to RoboRabbit.  “I have come to rescue you, roborabbit, but appariously I have simply stranded myself here with you.  We shall have to wait for another way off of this planet.  I will consult my Jexblupw Puxnih as to what we should do next.”
    Fortunately for them, only one thing could ever penetrate RoboRabbit's skin.  Thus he was able to approach Costa Lxodi without his heart melting.  So they both waited, and waited, and waited.  It was a good thing Costa Lxodi had plenty of Jexblupw which he could eat to survive for a while.
    Armaninx just kept on walking, despite being hit by every person in the crowd he swam through.  Darkprint followed close behind, also getting whacked by every person she passed.  Both Armaninx and Darkprint had but one “weakness,” meaning there was only one way to kill them.  Thus the multitudes of people rudely smiting them caused no damage at all, though it still hurt.  They were going to follow in RoboRabbit's footsteps and take over the entire world.
    “Excuse me,” said Armaninx to the receptionist, who also hit them both as they walked in, “can I talk to Teddy?  I've come to kill him.”
    “Hold on one second,” said the receptionist in a stereotypical voice.  Then she pressed a button and said, “Your lordship, there are some evil warriors here to kill you.”
    “Send them in,” came Teddy's reply.
    Then the receptionist directed them to Teddy's office, where they went in directly.  Once inside, Teddy told them to have a seat.
    “I had expected that you would come to visit me,” said Teddy.  “I just wasn't expecting you until next week.  There must have been good traffic.”
    “Traffic is almost never goo,” said Platypus as he walked in, “just like Windows Vista.”
    “I thought for a second you hadn't brought that egg-laying mammal of action,” said Teddy.  “I guess that's what I get for assuming things.”
    “Enough talk,” replied Armaninx.  “Let's get down to business.  I believe you know why we came here.  Let's just get on with it.”
    “Actually,” responded Teddy, “I have no idea why you came here.  You have no cause to dislike me, and I have none to dislike you.”
    “Incorrect,” countered Armaninx.  “I have very cause to dislike you.  You stranded RoboRabbit, banished us, and took control of our land!”
    “I have a good reason for everything,” said Teddy.  “RoboRabbit was not good for this planet, and I was.  Would you rather have him stay and everyone die slaves, or have him leave and everyone be free?  As for you, you were opposed to me.  Had you not been against me wholeheartedly, I would have allowed you to stay.”
    “RoboRabbit was and is more powerful than you.  And so are we.  We are better than you even more than Apple products are better than Microsoft ones*!”
    “That's impossible,” said Teddy, with a slight hint of fear.  “No one can be that much better than me.  Especially not an alien, a pony, and a duck!”
    This so enraged Darkprint and Platypus that they simultaneously charged at Teddy.  Armaninx had no choice but to join in the charge.  Teddy jumped in the air and kicked Darkprint's face.  Then he whirled around and wrapped his wail around her body.  He did a slow motion back flip as he landed, flinging her to the other side of the room.  Armaninx tripped him onto the ground and stepped on his chest.  He grabbed Armaninx's ankle and twisted it, then swung Armaninx over to a wall, where he landed on a bookshelf.  As Teddy got up, Platypus injected him with venom from one of his spurs.
    “I'm not a duck,” he said.  “I'm a platypus.”  Then he punched Teddy's face.  Teddy spun in a circle, jumping into the air as he did so, and kicked Darkprint and Armaninx, who were just returning to the battle.  He jumped again and landed on Darkprint, then he pulled out some chains and bound her front and hind legs.  Armaninx and Platypus jumped over most of the room and landed on top of Teddy.  Teddy punched Platypus in the face, and Armaninx kneed him in the back.
    “You kneed me,” coughed Teddy.
    “We will never need you,” punned Armaninx.  Teddy kicked him in the man parts as he said this, then quickly chained Armaninx to the ground.  Platypus injected Teddy with venom a second time, and Teddy tripped him.  As he did so, he cut himself on one of Platypus's spurs, getting venom into his system a third time.  Teddy quickly chained Platypus up and limped out of the room.
*Yes, I went there.