Saturday, September 22, 2012


    If you have actually managed to read this story thus far, then congratulations.  You have now reached a point in the story where even I have no idea what happens next.  Three characters are in outer space, not to mention Oapsuf, and the rest are on Iohsw.  So, I've decided (partially because of writer's block) to explain a few things here.
    First of all, if you know not yet, know that all of the main characters were based on people in real life, as well as any characters that will later enter the story.  Now, most writers would put a chapter like this at the end of the story, but I'm not most writers.  Besides, if I do that then only half of the people who read this story will actually read it.
    Now I will tell you what some of the characters are like.  RoboRabbit is based off of me, and by the end of this story all of my siblings will be in this story as well.  Big Tall Moose was always known for being tall, as demonstrated in the story.  Armaninx, Green Wart Hog, and I were once three amigos, very long ago.  Unfortunately, Green Wart Hog left and now we're just a dynamic duo.
    As some readers may have noticed, I felt it necessary to introduce some female characters into the story, so I brought in a striped possum.  Claudio McAwesome was based upon the most awesome person I knew as I wrote that part of the story, which is why she is described as the most beautiful character.  Darkprint then came into play so that I might eventually reach a balance of male and female characters.
    Platypus, as you may have noticed, is the main comic relief.  He fits into no category, and he is one of the few people I know who loves Spongebob anywhere near as much as I.  Teddy is obviously the main enemy, and he is, basically, a Trekkie.  He's one of the people one expects to know random facts.
    Costa Lxodi is the hottest character in this story, because he is the hottest person on Earth in reality.  Costa Lxodi, in the language of the bunnies, means “Flaming Costa.”  You may notice many words in the bunny language (properly called Lapine) besides just this one, such as Pshom Paqyufj, which means “Straw of Sucking.”  Now you can go back to the main plot.  I just may have another of these chapters later on, so be as prepared as a mountain goat.