Saturday, September 22, 2012

Watership Down

    Tiny Chipmunk ran through the forest near Watership Down.  She soon made it out of the forest and began running uphill.  Eventually she made it to the top, where she found a bunch of rabbits everywhere and she saw a dog chasing two rabbits up to the warren here.  It was obviously some sort of fight between two warrens.  One of them seemed to be losing, which must have been why they were leading a dog up.
    After that warren had won, some Teddys appeared and attacked Tiny Chipmunk.  She had a lot of energy, though, and easily defeated her foes.  She then proceeded to look for the button.  It was quite obvious in the middle of Watership Down.  She went over and pressed the big red button, then went to go help Big Tall Moose, in case he needed it.